Framingham Farmers Market starts again!
Thursday, June 12th, 2008The Framingham Farmers Market never ignited like Springfield did for us. We did consistent but not great business last year. It picked up a little in the summer months, but tapered off as the market drew to a close. (Unlike Springfield where we kept getting more customers as the year went on.) Velma and I like the location, we get to sync up with a bunch of our buddies who live in this area every Thursday. I had gone to high school in Framingham, so I occasionally meet up with someone who I knew from this area.
At the moment, the market only has 6 vendors (including us.) We had a bunch of repeat customers from last year, so at least sales weren’t completely dismal. The years market is run by Elizabeth Aurilio. She seems like a hot shit, so this year outta be fun. I’ve got a plan to help promote this location and try to ignite some business. My best customers are from office buildings where they buy multiple bags for everyone in the office. I figure by targeting these types of locations with flyers, I can remind these people that someone should make the trip to the farmers market and buy their weekly supply of “kettle crack”. I’ll be posting more on this once I get the marketing material created. I’m also wondering if I can promote this event online with myspace or facebook. I thought you can do a search for myspace members via their location, so I might try to do a little “spam” reminder to these people of our farmers market. We’ll see how that pans out.