Metrowest Humane Society Craft Fair, Framingham, MA
Sunday, September 14th, 2008 We were invited to come back to this craft fair again this year on Saturday, September 13th, so here we are. The festival seems to be growing, there were more tents and you’ll notice from the photo, we ended up on the other side of the flagpole. You can see last years blog entry here. This is not our normal type of gig, we tend to focus on weekday farmers markets and strive to get a loyal following. Shows like these are basically once per year and we are exposed to all new people for every show. This is kind of an exception because it’s in Framingham, and it’s in the same location as our weekly Farmers market. It’s interesting to compare and contrast the differences.
We did a pretty descent day of popping. (8 oils) This is comparable to a good day at our Springfield location, but we had to pay more to be here in this spot. We probably had more customers on average, but only sold a single small bag to most of them. It’s VERY common to sell large bags or multiple bags at our usual spots. Obviously we haven’t turned these people into mindless, kettle corn junkie zombies…yet.
I thought for sure we would be hardly sealing the bags, just selling open bags so people could munch on them at the event. We found many people buying them as they were leaving, wanting their bag sealed up tight. It’s faster for us to just shove the kettle corn into a bag and hand it to them. The heat sealer we use takes a little more time to fiddle with the bag and close it. We offer twist ties to anyone who wants them, but we found that it’s slower and more tedious to twist a twist tie one very bag you make. We’ve also found that we hardly give out samples to our usual customers at farmers markets, even if I insist on giving them a handful.
I just noticed this as I was making the blog entry. Because has a high ranking on Google, when I did a search for “Metrowest Humane Society Craft Fair” on Google, we came up 2nd, right under the Metrowest Humane Society webpage. We were still way up there for a search of just “Metrowest Humane Society”. Cool.