About Us
Velma’s Kettle Corn has been popping since 2006. We pop throughout the New England area and have a few Farmers Market locations in Springfield and Framingham that you can find us on a weekly basis. We’ll pop at any location or event you may have.
Eric Bickernicks
Steve Cary
You’ll see Steve mostly in the Springfield area.
Vaguely interesting facts about Eric Bickernicks:

I was the largest baby born (up to that time) in my hospital. (12 lbs) No idea how my mother passed me through her pelvis.
None. I show classic signs of the only child syndrome. I never developed the skills to play the games of Monopoly, Life or Battleship effectively.
Framingham South High, Class of 1980.
Framingham State College – (2 years) Majored in video game strategy. (There is no such major)
I’m pretty much self-taught with everything. Structured classrooms drive me insane.
Musical interests:
Played bass guitar through my 20’s with a band called “Fingle Bunt”. The band members also taught me how to drink.
The first song I taught myself to play on piano was The Maple Leaf Rag.
Had some of my novelty songs played on the the Dr. Demento radio show as “The Defectives“.
Unlike my older peers, I’ve stopped listening to the music of my teenage years and prefer anything new and different. (See: Stimmhorn)
Biggest artistic folly:
Wrote, shot and edited an indie feature on super 16mm back in 2000 called “alt.sex“. Sank into obscurity with my $30,000.
Interesting Places That I’ve lived:
Kwajalein Atoll when I was 8-9 years old. It’s a military base and my dad worked for Raytheon as a contractor.
Maui, Hawaii for 1 month back in 2009.
Sidekick/sort of wife:
Therese Chase – We met online via AOL personals more than 15 years ago. (We’re not married, I have a commitment problem.)
Owner – Biksco Media Services. Video production and web development and marketing.
Velma’s Kettle Corn – Hocking yummy food that’s bad for you.
More links about me:
Adeadguy - Personal Website
The Dacrons – (Other goofy crap I’ve created)
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