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Start Your Own Kettle Corn Business

We'll show you how to be your own boss
in an ALL CASH business!

Working together as a team, we’ve been able to make up to

money for kettle corn

$200 an hour PROFIT


The video below is an example of a recent event at one of our busiest locations.
We sell kettle corn for $5 and $7 a bag. (Most of our regulars buy at least 2 bags.)

The Kettle Corn Business Guide

The truth is it took a lot of hard work to get us to that point. It also takes a lot of hard work to make that kind of money on those $200 an hour days. This document will lay out in detail HOW we got to that point, WHAT was needed to create that sort of income and what you need to do to duplicate our success.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. But let me tell you, after a hard days of work, there's nothing like having the satisfaction of counting a pile of money and having that instant gratification for all your efforts. If merely making $50-$75 profit an hour for each of you on an average day while still being your own boss doesn’t cut it for you, then you should probably try law school.

Note: if you're planning on doing this with your wife, she'll probably think she's the boss. Just deal with it.

Velma in a kettle corn business tent

We--Eric and Velma--have been making and selling kettle corn across the east coast in many different events and locations. We've learned the lessons and gained the experience of the kettle corn business the hard way, by actually doing it. We've now created this ebook which shows you how we did it.

"If this is such a great business plan, then why
are you selling it to me?"

Kettle corn is a strictly local business. We can’t travel all over this country making kettle corn, we’ve got responsibilities at home too. But everybody can carve out a niche for themselves and get their own customers who will be addicted to your product.

“It’s kettle crack!”

Kettle corn addicts

Our customers are literally addicted to kettle corn. We’ll show you our recipe and how to make kettle corn that will attract repeat customers for an entire season. You’ve probably seen the lines form at the kettle corn tent at craft shows and festivals.

The profits per bag are lucrative. The stuff sells itself and we show you how.

Does it sell like hotcakes? SELLS LIKE KETTLE CORN!

I found myself working about six part time jobs, just going crazy. Not getting anywhere. A friend of mine started doing a kettle corn thing and I thought he was kind of crazy. I listened to some of the numbers he was saying and I did a Google search and found your book and devoured that in a night and pretty much followed your directions. That book is what got us going. Our initial plan was for me to build the business for five years and get my wife out of her job. I had it paid back in two months.

My wife got so tired of corporate America that she informed me on her birthday that she quit. I'm like, well, I guess our numbers work. We had her kettle paid off in three months. Now every Saturday, we double up and come home with some good money.

I appreciate what you're doing by helping people become an entrepreneur with a pretty simple business. It really has changed our lives! We love doing the work and we're grateful for what you've done.

Mike Gohn - Owner/Operator
Big Mike's Kettle Corn

Interview With Mike Gohn - I spoke with Mike for an hour and got his side of the story about starting a full-time kettle corn business.

Crafting A Full-Time Kettle Corn Busines
Audio Transcription w. images    (25 pages)

PDF - (Right click to download)
Kindle Format (Amazon)
epub format (Apple Store) - epub (Barnes & Noble)

The ebook is a free download on all sites!

Just a quick note to thank you for the assistance that your e-book provided as I started my own kettle corn business this year! Your insight and information gave me a truly realistic idea of how to establish my operation, and what to expect with regard to the actual popping.

I even had one of the "Thousand Dollar Days" and it really did look like your video! I've been "booked" every weekend this year since June, mostly local (Cumberland, MD), but some out of town and glad I took the plunge and bought the Northbend Originals set up - the health departments love it & it makes the set-up/tear-down routine go much smoother, and I hope to add the auto-stirring device within the year. Thanks again, and I wish you continued success!

Patty - Owner/Operator
Popcorn In Paradise Gourmet Kettle Corn

I bought your e-book back in November and have referred to it constantly in creating our own "Red Top Kettle Corn" business. It's been a great help and totally worth the 30 bucks and more. And I come from a foodservice background including 7 years ownership of a pizzeria in Seattle. Thanks so much. I'm a single dad with four boys and this is a great way for us to make some cash and spend some time together working and having a little fun.

Rich B
Red Top Kettle Corn

We bought your ebook last spring and have been saving to purchase a North Bend set up since. We bought the equipment two weeks ago and had our first gig on Saturday. You know something else I could not imagine? There is no way we could have grossed over $1140 on our very first outing without having your tutelage to go off of. I have read your ebook no less than twice and we've watched your videos so many times that we're probably beginning to skew your web stats ;-)

We just wanted to drop you a line to thank you and Velma for helping us to make the start up of this business venture much easier than it should have been.

David and Elizabeth
Home Front Kettle Corn

I have read the entire book and found it very entertaining (as is everything you write) and helpful. :)

The neat thing about kettle corn is that, like all businesses, each vendor finds his/her niche and, through trial & error, discovers exactly what works best for them. Our customers are so varied. Some work only a few shows a year and literally profit thousands. Others work their tails off multiple times a week and average much less per event. I just talked to someone a few weeks ago who started in October 08 and has already sold over $80,000 worth of kettle corn! Obviously, this is the exception. Some have incredible retail sales; others find retail a bust. Anyway, we love hearing feedback from everyone.

I can't think of any detail you haven't covered. You've been honest and forthcoming about all your experiences, good and bad.  I have no doubt beginning vendors will find the information quite helpful.

And, as I mentioned previously, it's certainly not boring! Experience is the best teacher, and you make a great experienced teacher. All in all, I think any vendor would find it a valuable source of information. The comparison of equipment/supplies/ingredients is very helpful; you've compiled a ton of research. The many photos are interesting and a great visual aid.

Have a great day,

North Bend Originals Kettle Corn Equipment, Inc.

I just wanted to tell you both how informative your website is. My fiance and I purchased your ebook as we are interested in starting our own kettlecorn business. It was so full of information I did not even know. We are still very much in the "information gathering" stage however I know with my "bible" (your ebook) you have given us hope on how to succeed in this business.

Happy Popping,

Tabitha and Rob
Seattle, WA

This is the best book about owning a Kettle Corn concession to date. It is easy to read and is packed cover to cover with hints and tips that can only be learned from years of popping.

My copy has already paid for itself by helping me make better decisions, saving me both time and money.. I would like to thank you for what I now call my Kettle Corn Bible.

Worth every penny.

Randy B
Cranking Kettle Corn

I had hoped to work the local Flea Market every weekend. Doesn't look like it is going to work out for me to be in the kettle corn business. The Health Department will not issue any more food related concession businesses at the Flea Market.

The good news is I purchased your e-book. It taught me to check everything out in my local area, before purchasing the equipment. Thanks a million for writing your book, I would have made some big mistakes if I hadn't read it.

Good luck to you and Velma.

Harry K
Amarillo, Texas

This .pdf ebook is 90 pages in length, fully illustrated. Here are only some of the chapters:

How much will I make with kettle corn?

This document does a cost analysis of each ingredient that goes into the making of kettle corn. We show you what your profit per bag will be and at what rate you can sustain production. We show you the theroretical amount you can make per hour and the reality of what’s possible. We’ve done it, so we know.

Things the health department inspectors are looking for.

Before you can make any money selling kettle corn, you need to know what permits are required and what things you need to know about health codes. The health department can shut you down in an instant if you don’t adhere to what’s necessary. This ebook goes into detail on what a health inspector is thinking and what they will be looking for while they’re doing their job. We explain what you need to have BEFORE you can pass inspection and start making money.

North bend popperNecessary Kettle Corn Equipment

We show you all what the major equipment vendors of kettle corn equipment are offering. We explain the different styles of kettles and what can make or break your operation. Full photos comparing all the different types and links to all the important websites. We’ve also discovered some short comings in a few manufacturer's kettles which could effect your sales.

Total Cost for Equipment

We break down every item and show you a total cost analysis of how much you need to get into this lucrative business. We also show you the choices necessary to keep within your budget. Some kettle manufacturers want you to buy everything. We show you what's necessary and give you our recommendations on the most cost effective set-up.

Bags of popcornKettle Corn Supplies

Did you know that there are two different styles of popcorn? We show you the differences and what the benefits are of each in the kettle corn process. What ingredients influence the flavor of kettle corn to make it wildly addictive? We've discovered how you can save money on your cost of supplies and where you can find the best deals that will increase your profits.

Getting Gigs

What type of events are the most lucrative for kettle corn? (Bigger events aren't always better!) How much should you pay to join an event and when is it too much? (All this effects your bottom line.) We go into finding that important first gig and where to look. We also explain some of the things you should look out for when joining an event.

kettle corn tent at a craft show

Corporate Gigs

Boy do we love these. How would you like to get paid up front to make and give away kettle corn? No handling money, no worrying about the weather killing your sales. I show you some of my recent corporate gigs I've done and how they came about. I also show you how to find these companies that want to PAY YOU to make kettle corn at their event.

Promotional Stuff

We show you what works and what doesn't for attracting business. Website promotion is a huge part of our business. We show how you can be found online for your area of the country. (Kettle corn is a local business, so what if we're number one--we're not competing with you locally.) What needs to be on your webpage so you'll be found? We dedicate a whole section to web SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so event planners will be contacting YOU.

kettle korn bagsRetail and Online Sales

We go over what it's like selling in the retail business. We show you what we've made on a per-store basis and what kind of profits can you expect. What sort of permits are needed to start this aspect of your business? Do you have the necessary equipment and supplies to sell beyond your tent?

Making Kettle Corn

We share with you our years of experience on making kettle corn. What are the ingredients of kettle corn and what proportions you should use to make the most "wicked delicious" kettle corn which will attract the biggest crowds? We answer some of the typical questions on making kettle corn--like what to do if you are getting too many burned kernels or too many unpopped ones. You'll learn how to "play the crowd" to maximize your sales and you will learn the secrets of getting people addicted to your product.

Making kettle corn sequence

The Final Checklist

Finally, you'll have a run-down of what you need to know before you buy a single piece of equipment. You'll know exactly how much money you'll need to invest before you decide to make any commitment. You'll have a concise list of who you need to contact and how your business will operate. This could save you thousands of dollars from buying the wrong equipment.

Once you buy this ebook, you'll recieve my personal email. I'm willing to answer any questions you have about starting your own kettle corn business. It's almost like you're getting your own mentor when you start your business with this ebook.

but wait theres more

An Interview with the Savannah Kettle Corn Company

Savannah kioskI get the scoop on popping kettle corn from a kiosk with an electric kettle, located on a very touristy post on River Street in Savannah, Georgia.

  • Details on making kettle corn with a Cretors electric popper
  • Popping with propane kettles verses electric poppers
  • Costs associated with selling from a kiosk
  • The kind of traffic you can expect from a semi permanent location
  • The kind of customers you see at flea markets verses kiosks and which tend to be more profitable
  • What other products can be money makers besides kettle corn, and you how can use them to increase your sales.
  • Which products sell the most during certain times of the year.
  • Verbal tricks he's learned on attracting a crowd
  • His experience of health codes in FL, GA, SC and NC
  • His experience on which brands of popcorn makes the best kettle corn

You'll also get questions and answers about the kettle corn business that were generated by YOU. I've been asked questions about things I might've missed in the original ebook and I'm including them all here. Such as:

  • What should I ask event coordinators before I start popping?
  • Is this a good business for a family with small children? (Answer: IT'S NOT!!)
  • Should I incorporate as an LLC?
  • Can one person run a whole kettle corn operation?
  • What about those cheapy kettles on ebay?
  • What are the demographics of an average kettle corn client?
  • What the heck is that flat thing hanging inside of my tent? (which my clients really enjoy!)
  • How are the Cretors electric poppers in making kettle corn?
  • North Bend Originals has also included more specific information on their new kettles.

VIDEO Instruction & Tutorials

You will get the ebook and all the online videos at this price.

How To Make Kettle Corn

How To Make Kettle Corn - Time: 7:01

I show you the entire process from beginning to end.

Bagging and Sealing kettle corn

Bagging & Sealing Kettle Corn - Time: 2:30

What equipment can be used to seal up your product.

$1000 day

What a Typical $1,000 Day Looks Like - Time: 3:13

We ain't kiddin' when we say you can make money selling kettle corn.

How's Business After The Winter - Time: 4:54

Our 1st day back and you'll be surprised how well we did with hardly anybody there with too few vendors.

Worst Event Of The Season

Worst Event Of The Season - Time: 7:22

Everything isn't always perfect in pocorn land. We give you some tips on where and what you should avoid.

Setting Up  Tent

Setting Up The Tent - Time: 5:05

You won't find puppies under a pup tent.

Setting Up The Kettle

Setting Up The Kettle - Time: 3:06

We call the kettle black.

Cleaning The Kettle

Cleaning The Kettle - Time: 5:34

Not only do you "clean up" with sales.

Crap inside the tent

Crap Inside The Tent - Time: 4:11

We go over all the other stuff you need to make kettle corn with.

Steves sales techniques

Steve's Sales Techniques - Time: 4:08

Steve gives you some tips on driving traffic to your tent.

Boy is it hot

Boy Is It HOT - Time: 4:11

The guys pop in 96 degree weather in August. What you need to do to prevent yourself from melting.

Make Your own portable hand washing sink

Build Your Own Portable Hand Washing Sink - Time: 3:43

Mark Sanders shows us what he did to build his own sink on the cheap. We list the main components and their links to where you can buy them.

Craft fair icon

A Typical Craft Fair - Time: 4:10

Get yer kettle corn and painted wooden crap! You'll be doing a lot of these types of events.

The Big E icon

Eric Checks Out A Large State Fair - Time: 2:23

The Big E in Springfield. He sneaks around and checks out the different kettle corn vendors.

Sudbury Colonial icon

Our Best Day Ever! - Time: 3:25

Popping at the Sudbury Colonial Faire. We show you how they went nuts over our kettle corn.

Old Manse icon

New England 3 Day Event - Time: 4:11

Popping at the Old Manse in Concord, MA. We show what kind of crowds you can bring in at a historic site.

I went crazy and scoured the web for links to events where you can pop kettle corn!
You get 5,673 events broken down by state, date, location, contact info and link to get you started. The files are in .csv or Excel format. List updated: 1-2-22
Alabama.csv (139) Alaska.csv (8) Arizona.csv (139)
Arkansas.csv (62) California.csv (464) Colorado.csv (162)
Connecticut.csv (84) Delaware.csv (25) Dist Of Columbia.csv (10)
Florida.csv (512) Georgia.csv (255) Hawaii.csv (3)
Idaho.csv (54) Illinois.csv (173) Indiana.csv (145)
Iowa.csv (88) Kansas.csv (110) Kentucky.csv (73)
Louisiana.csv (77) Maine.csv (25) Maryland.csv (127)
Michigan.csv (205) Minnesota.csv (136) Mississippi.csv (82)
Missouri.csv (82) Montana.csv (44) Nebraska.csv (33)
Nevada.csv (41) New Hampshire.csv (33) New Jersey.csv (197)
New Mexico.csv (31) New York.csv (181) North Carolina.csv (106)
North Dakota.csv (18) Ohio.csv (172) Oklahoma.csv (74)
Oregon.csv (92) Pennsylvania.csv (200) South Carolina.csv (106)
South Dakota.csv (22) Tennessee.csv (150) Texas.csv (345)
Utah.csv (42) Vermont.csv (16) Washington.csv (122)
West Virginia.csv (49) Wisconsin.csv (192) Wyoming.csv (15)

Local Event Finder Software

The lists above aren't the only games in town. You'll find most of the bigger events in each state, but not the out of the way events which are just as profitable. These would normally take a lot of searching, but I created this little PC app which does all the brunt work for you. (only available for PC, not the Mac) I called it 'Local Event Finder' and it will search through a huge list of towns local to you and save all the search results into a single .CSV file. The video below shows you how it works and what I've done to create a definitive schedule just to my local area.

You'll really want to run this software BEFORE you buy any equipment.


You've probably seen this certificates displayed inside restaurants. Yup, somebody had to go through a whole training course on how to cook, clean and store all food items so they won't kill anybody at their establishment. This is a good thing. Unfortunately, this means YOU will (probably) have to do the same if you want your local health department to issue you a permit to make merely kettle corn in their town. Sounds like a pain in the ass, right? It is. They all apply the same rules to everybody - from a sushi restuarant all the way down to your tent. I've now had to pass this exam three times. In the book, I show you which states require you to pass this certification, and which states merely allow you to fake it. I'm including all my study and training materials I've collected over 11 years of doing this. I've included their practise tests and two ServSafe study guides.

They're going to ask you such questions as: where should you store ground beef inside a refrigerator? At what temperature should chicken be cooked at? How high off the floor should sacks of flour be stored? To make it easier for you to absorb and test all of this, I've created 1,298 digital flash cards. If you can get through these, you're going to pass this necessary test.

Kettle Corn Business Journal

I recently went nuts and converted my entire online blog into an easily readable .pdf, .epub or Kindle (.mobi) doc. The sucker is over 128 printed pages and has all the pictures and links to over (80) videos that I created. Ready for this?

I put the grosses I made for each day that I posted!

I also included a recent update on my thoughts of each event - why it did or didn't work. This will clearly show you how I was doing during that past 6 years, from the really great paydays to the truly awful.

I write about my encounters with unusual customers, relentless health department officials and inept event coordinators. I briefly go over the equipment used to start my kettle corn business and the improvements I encountered as my business grew. I explain the different types of popcorn that are available and the benefits of each type. My business had many peaks and valleys and I share the bad times as well as the good. For a while, I sold my product online as well as at events, and, on at least one occasion, US troops serving overseas were surprised with boxes of my kettle corn.

As marketing is always important for any new company, I goes over the different things I tried--from refrigerator magnets to t-shirt sales. I explain what it took to get a mention in the local newspapers and what other press he managed to get. I go over what worked and what didn't in my attempts at SEO (search engine optimization) to get his website ranked on Google.

I learned the hard way that, contrary to expectation, bigger events don't necessarily mean bigger profits. I talk about the factors behind failed events, such as on-site location, when I was sometimes stuck in the far corners of a parking lot. At other times I was a victim of my own success, as with the occasion offended town officials stopped me from popping because the product became the focus of their event. Word of mouth spread about how good my kettle corn was, and I was eventually pursued by other towns for my services. I go over my thoughts regarding corporate events, where the vendor gets payed up-front regardless of sales.

Some events were unconventional, like the time we gave away kettle corn to the neighborhood kids on Halloween, sold at a haunted hayride and set up our equipment on-site for a local movie night. I also took my set-up indoors during the winter, and explain why it never seemed to work.

Midway through my career, I moved and was forced to find locations all over again. I go over my perceptions of each event before and after I attended. I took my business on the road to Florida where I explored the business opportunities available during the winter months when, back home in New England, popping outdoors was impossible. We even traveled to Hawaii, exploring it as a possible business location.

Creativity plays an important role in attracting customers and I write about how I got customers to sing songs and participate in unusual challenges (all on video) just for a free bag of our product. On one occasion I even got an artist to go against his aesthetic judgement and paint on black velvet for some kettle corn. We also found out that kettle corn has non-human fans, such as cows and pigs.

Dealing with criticism from demanding customers and disgruntled competitors has been an ongoing issue. I relate stories about these confrontations and talks about what other bloggers and competitors said about me and my company. These tales include my account of the kettle corn vendor at Boston's Fenway Park who felt the need to confront me and when the failure of a wealthy town to embrace his product changed my perception of what makes a good customer. I think these personal anecdotes illustrate the rewards and perils of running a small business like this. I hope you enjoy them!

Kettle Corn Concession Trailer Plans

When you want to go big time, you can always move into a self-contained trailer. You get the have the same plans I used and I'll show you where to order your own unit.

Build A Kettle Corn Trailer From Scratch

Want the cheapest option to get into a kettle corn trailer?

I did an interview with James Bisset of James' Scrumptious Kettle Corn of Pinellas County, Florida. He had purchased this kettle corn business package, saw my trailer and was inspired to build his own trailer from scratch.

He recorded some Instagram videos of the process and a Youtube tour of his final trailer. I took those images and did an interview with him, taking me through the entire process of buying a used trailer, cutting holes and installing windows, painting, finishing the inside going over his entire set-up. He goes over what he spent to make something much cheaper than my custom trailer. If I had this information back then, I would've been tempted to build my own trailer from scratch instead of having someone else do it.

The pdf is 13 pages long and has links to his videos and the materials he used.

Food Truck Empire Podcast

I did an interview with these guys and spoke in depth about setting up a kettle corn business.

What You're Getting:

(90 Page) Business Guide ebook in .pdf format
(128 Page) Business Journal ebook in .pdf (iPad), .mobi (Kindle) or .epub format
(50) Event spreadsheets for over 5,673 events (.csv format)
(16) private instructional videos (Youtube format)
(1) Local Event Finder PC application + directions.
(4) Kettle Corn Concession Trailer plans .pdf
(1) Build Your Own Kettle Corn Trailer .pdf
(3) ServSafe Diagnostic tests
(2) ServeSafe Study guides
(1,298) digital test traing flash cards.

Price: $30

You and your order will be sent over to a site called PayPal. They can process credit cards and other transactions. Once the order has gone through, you'll be automatically directed to a page where you will be able to download the .pdf ebooks immediately and watch the videos.

If you have an un-verified Paypal account, it may not automatically send you the link immediately. I get a notification when someone buys the ebooks & videos, so I 'll be sending out the final links to everybody just to make sure you got it. You can contact me here if you didn't receive it.

Note: I send the links to the email address that were associated with the Paypal account in the email receipt. If you are using someone else's account to pay for this, let me know! ALSO: a bunch of people send me Paypal payments from emails that no longer work. (seriously) You're not going to be one of THOSE people are you?

Really Note: Sometimes my reply email (with download links) will end up in your spam folder. Please check this before you start crying to Paypal.

Why I get bitchy sometimes: Some people may not get their link immediately and will report the transaction to Paypal after waiting maybe an hour. I may be popping during the day! I will check my email later that night. I respond to ALL EMAILS and I promise I will send you your link the moment I log in!